14-Day Core Challenge

Julie Bailis leads you in a creative, functional, and easily modified core challenge program to help you improve posture, increase balance, and have you feeling more aligned and stronger in 14 days!

  • Core Challenge Trailer

    Julie Bailis leads you in a creative, functional, and easily modified core challenge program to help you improve posture, increase balance, and have you feeling more aligned and stronger in 14 days!

  • Intro. to The Pelvic Floor (Optional)

    Julie Bailis demonstrates how to tilt the pelvis and to engage the pelvic floor so that you can get the most out of the 14-Day Core Challenge. Watching this video is optional, but highly recommend if you would like to strengthen your pelvic floor during the 14-Day Core Challenge

  • Day 1

    Julie leads you in supine toe taps, bird/dogs, and lots of kicking get you started on Day 1 of a 14-Day adventure to a stronger, leaner, more balanced you. Seated modifications are also introduced in this practice. You can do it!

  • Day 2

    Julie Bailis leads you in Day 2 of the 14-Day Core Challenge.

    Plank Shoulder Taps, side crunches, hip lifts, and flutter kicks will get your heart beating and hey-you might even get to meet Kevin Bunny if you make it all 3 rounds!

  • Day 3

    Julie leads you on Day 3 of the 14-Day Core Challenge. Yes, you will be challenged. Yes, you will sweat a bit, but remember to choose the modification that is best for you and work it because tomorrow is a rest day. Get ready for a treat. You are doing GREAT! Keep it up!

  • Day 4

    Grab your 2 blocks and learn how to relax your low back and release stress and tension in your shoulders in this relaxing and restorative sequence. Enjoy!

  • Day 5

    Julie takes you back to gym class and even your baby days of crawling, creatively building your core strength and your coordination.

  • Day 6

    Get your heart rate up with some high knees & lateral kicks, and then strengthen your abs and core as you practice flying just like a superhero!

  • Day 7

    Julie Bailis invites to practice breath and movement in this spine-centered gentle/yin yoga practice. Learn how to create more movement in the spine with a creative way to open the spine. *Hint, hint: This little tweak can be very eye-opening. Breath & relax! You are halfway through the challenge...

  • Day 8

    Get in touch with your inner Rockette as you kick your way to a more stable body. Finish the practice with deep core work as you are introduced to the powerful Hollow Hold. Yes!! You’ve got this!

  • Day 9

    This practice starts off slow and ends with an intense burn. Do what you can know that low-impact movements can do wonders to build strength and balance and increase your range of motion (flexibility). Have fun!

  • Day 10

    Strong glutes not only look cool but are really important! Due to excessive sitting, many people have inactive gluten and therefore experience knee and low-back pain. Because the glutes provide a stable base for the pelvis and core, lack of glue activation can also result in poor posture. Complet...

  • Day 11

    Julie leads you in a technique-centered practice where she reviews the squat and introduces the powerful deadlift (no weights needed). You will warm you up with some jumping jacks, move through some squats and deadlifts, and then finish the class with some toe-tapping toe-taps (redundant alert). ...

  • Day 12

    Mobilize your spine, hips, neck, and shoulders as you breathe, rock, and roll your way to your original strength.

  • Day 13

    Get your inner NFL on and join Julie as you Heisman, dead bug, and rainbow your way to a stronger and more balanced core! Focus on balance, pelvic stability, and glute activation.

  • Day 14

    Julie leads you in supine toe taps, bird/dogs, and lots of kicking get you started on Day 1 of a 14-Day adventure to a stronger, leaner, more balanced you. Seated modifications are also introduced in this practice. You can do it! Supine toe taps, bird/dogs, and lots of kicking get you started on ...